
Welcome to Coaching Partners!

Coaching Partners offers professional coaching services to accelerate leadership development.    Individuals are encouraged to find their own wisdom and identify their true values to enable an alignment to their organisations direction.

Coaching Partners is literally what the name says… a coaching partner with Leaders and their Organisations.

Coaching Partners encourages all coaching contracts to begin and if possible, conclude with  three way coaching between the Coach, the Client and the Organisation to identify and agree on the leadership development benchmarks.  Establishing the success criteria before the coaching begins, gives the individual and the organisation an agreed focus for development.   Taking real situations from the workplace enables the client to work  on their own capability development.   When the focus of the leadership coaching is aligned with the Organisations values and goals, their emerging leaders find their purpose, talents and contributing wisdom.

Coaching Partners has strategic relationships with Human Resource profiling companies and offers a range of interpretive tools to enhance the coaching capability for each client.


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