10 questions that must be addressed before announcing change

Change Management?  I hear these two words so often in my conversations with clients.  What does it really mean?  Managing change?

What if we turn it around to Changing Management?  More often than not there is a change in Management! So we can play around with the terminology but the essence of change is People.  Change in any shape or form effects people in some way, so it is essential that we consider what, how and why the change will improve any given situation.

Dan McCarthy summaries the thinking required before change is announced, with these 10 great questions! Take a few minutes to read and consider…

Great Leadership: 10 Questions That Should be Answered Before Any Major Change is AnnouncedHave you ever received an email from your manager announcing a significant organizational change that left you with more questions than answers? Sure, you could take the initiative and ask your questions, but given the lack of information, you're not even sure if your questions would be relevant or not.


About Patti Gwynne

Patti Gwynne is an ICF Credentialed Leadership and Executive Coach based in Auckland.

Working your way through these processes takes courage! Be kind to yourself and feel free to contact Patti, if you would like a Coach to partner you on this journey.
(Patti offers a no obligation 30minute FREE phone coaching session to get you started).

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